This year, we are offering free DASH training at our reunion.
In the 1960's DASH was an acronymn meaning Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter.
For more information visit the
Gyrodyne website and read some
Dash Memories.
The USS James E. Kyes was equipped with DASH for over a decade.
Today, the U.S. Navy is no longer fighting the cold war and therefore is no
longer in need of drones that drop torpedoes on submarines.
In the new century, we have new enemies and therefore must have new strategies and new technology.
The new modern DASH is capable of shooting cluster guided bombs and missiles.
The DASH acronym has not changed but the meaning has.
DASH is now a Drone Anti-Subversion Helicopter.
The USS James E. Kyes Association, in cooperation with the United States Navy
has acquired a fleet of DASH trainers and we are being encouraged to train and
certify as many men as possible in the take-off, landing and maneuvering of the DASH.
Drone warfare is part of the new Navy. We can still be relevant.
DASH helicopters views are from port side and starboard side
DASH helicopter flying in Stealth mode
Official photograph of association's helicopter fleet